Lynwood Evictions

Lynwood is an incorporated part of the County of Los Angeles. Lynwood does not have its own rent stabilization ordinance or eviction control measures. To bring an unlawful detainer (eviction) in Lynwood, you will still first have to comply with state and federal laws regulating evictions.

Generally, if you are not subject to statewide rent and eviction control, you can bring an eviction for any of the bases listed in Code of Civil Procedure section 1161 – expiration of a fixed term lease, nonpayment of rent, breach of the rental agreement or nuisance. Additionally, you can terminate a month-to-month tenancy by giving a 60-day notice pursuant to Civil Code section 1946.1

If you are subject to statewide rent control (e.g., the property is not a single-family home and was not built within the past 15 years), you should check out our guide on statewide rent control.

When filing an eviction in Lynwood, if the amount in controversy is less than $25,000, you will be filing your case in the Norwalk Courthouse if your Lynwood ZIP code is 90002 and in the Compton Courthouse if your Lynwood ZIP code is 90262.

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(323) 282-7969

930 S. La Brea Ave. Suite 204, 
Los Angeles, CA 90036